Education in Victoria

Education in Victoria Australia is supervised by the Department of Apprenticeship and Training DET which is allotment of the Accompaniment Government and whose role is to accommodate action and planning admonition for the supply of education.

It acts as adviser to two accompaniment ministers, that for Apprenticeship and for Children and Early Childhood Development.

Education in Victoria follows the three bank archetypal consisting of primary apprenticeship primary schools followed by accessory apprenticeship accessory schools or accessory colleges and tertiary apprenticeship Universities and TAFE Colleges.

School apprenticeship is compulsatory in Victoria amid the ages of six and seventeen.

A apprentice is chargeless to leave academy on axis seventeen which is above-mentioned to commutual accessory education.

In contempo years over three abode of acceptance are appear to be blockage on until they are eighteen commendation bare at the end of the accessory academy level.

Government schools brainwash about two thirds of Victorian acceptance with the added third in absolute schools a admeasurement which is ascent in abounding locations of Australia.

Education in government schools until year 12 is chargeless but this does not administer to across acceptance nor to acceptance over the age of 20 on 1 January of the year of enrolment.

Independent schools both religious and civil allegation fees which are subsidised by the Federal and Accompaniment governments.

Although non tertiary accessible apprenticeship is chargeless 35% of acceptance appear a clandestine primary or accessory school. The a lot of abundant clandestine schools are Catholic and the blow are absolute see Accessible and Clandestine Apprenticeship in Australia.

Regardless of whether a academy is government or absolute they are appropriate to attach to the aforementioned class frameworks.

Education in all government schools have to be civil and not advance any accurate religious convenance church or sect.

Most academy acceptance be they in a government or absolute academy usually abrasion uniforms although there are capricious expectations and some schools do not crave uniforms.

Post compulsatory apprenticeship is adapted aural the Australian Abilities Framework a unified arrangement of civic abilities in schools abstruse apprenticeship and training TAFE and the college apprenticeship area university.

The bookish year in Victoria about runs from backward January until mid-December for primary and accessory schools and TAFE colleges and from backward February until mid-November for universities Victorian schools accomplish on a four appellation basis.

Schools are bankrupt for the Victorian accessible holidays.

Universities beam the Commonwealth accessible holidays.

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